Creatures and Monsters are enemies in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that are not clearly defined. Some do it via the intent of the being while others do it by such a being's nature. Witchers see monsters as things they must slay, often those that react to silver negatively are considered monsters. As well creatures of magical or dark origin are also normally considered to be monsters. Some monsters are welcomed by humans and others due to their benefits, such as trolls whose ability to build and repair things make them valuable additions to rural societies.
Creature and Monster Information
The Witcher's code roughly categorizes monsters as creatures of no sentience who are deemed a threat to human society. Because of that, a monster slayer has to attempt to reason with an opposing creature that bears any form of intelligence before he attempts to remove it. It's not unheard of a Witcher resolving issues with aggressive creatures by reasoning with them, nor is it rare for them to engage in mortal combat with entities that exhibited advanced intelligence simply because the parties in question where malicious and threatened human lives. Geralt himself was once asked to verify - during the events of the first game - if it was true that the Silver Sword was for slaying monsters and the Steel Sword for killing humans. He replied "they are both for monsters".
You can find a list of monster drops in the Monster Remains page, to assist with your crafting.
See Blood and Wine Monsters for those included in the expansion.
Witcher 3 Creature and Monster Gallery Table
"Seen a lot o' ugly critters in me life - morays, lampreys, blobfish... But never nothin' like this!"
– Bjorg, Kaer Trolde shipbuilder
"Aye, half-eagle, half tomcat, just like on the lord's crest. 'Cept this 'un was carryin' me dead cow 'stead of a scepter"
– Griffin attack witness, name unknown
"In memory of the noble knight Roderick, slain during a valiant struggle against a basilisk. Let's hope the beast choked on his bones"
– Gravestone inscription, Vizima cemetery.
"Know that ditty about the bear "climbing the mountain, to see what he could see?" Biggest load of rubbish I've ever heard. When a bear climbs a mountain, it's not to see. It's to hunt. To kill."
– Jahne Oldak, royal huntsman
"Now finish your soup, or a berserk'll come and swallow ye whole"
– Skellige mother scolding a child.
Blige Hag
"Folk say water hags are drowners' wives. If that be true, "tain't no wonder why they're such ernery btches"
– Shemhel of Dregsdon
"Saying a botchling's ugly is like saying *****'s not particularly tasty: can't say it's a lie, but it doesn't exactly convey the whole truth, either."
– Lambert, witcher of the Wolf School
Cave Troll
"Our winter's cold and deep, frostbite eats your feet, snow falls down and hides the ground and ice trolls wake from sleep!"
– folk song heard in northern Kaedwen
"Chorts are smaller than fiends, true. But still big enough to kill"
– Agnes Thistle, herbalist from the Black Forest.
"Had meself eight heifers, five of 'em milchers. Then this cockatrice sprung up nearby, and now all's I got left's dried patties in an empty field."
– Jethro, peasant from Pindal
"Sister crones, hand in hand, terrors of the sea and land, thus do go about, about: thrice to thine and thrice to mine, and thrice again, to make up nine"
– Macveth, Act 1, Scene 3
"How about this... we take a big stake, sharpen its tip, jam it in the cyclops' eye — then sneak out of the cave disguised as sheep. How's that not a good idea?"
– Odess Thaka, traveler. Died tragically on Spikeroog
"How to survive an encounter with an earth elemental? Simple. Run. Fast as you can."
– Nino Murk, bounty hunter
Devil by the Well
""The residents of White Orchard had suffered more than their fair share of misfortunes."
"Course it reeks. Think they're called rotfiend because they smell like roses?"
– Vesemir, witcher of the Wolf School
"The pitcher emitted a puff of glowing red smoke. The smoke pulsated, her gathered up into an irregular sphere floating in front of the poet's head..."
– The First Longing, a Tale Fantastic in All Ways.
"They say a dog's a man's best friend... But in these foul times one best be wary, even of his friends."
– Alfred Pankratz, beggar from Novigrad
"Your package? Your brother picked it up. You know, you two're ***** near identical... Hey! Where you running off to?!"
– Hanne Kluger, postmaster
"When at the water's edge, you gotta be quiet. First of all, so as not to scare the fish. Second — so you don't attract drowners."
– Yanneck of Blaviken, fisherman
Drowned Dead
"When at the water's edge, you gotta be quiet. First of all, so as not to scare the fish. Second — so you don't attract drowners."
– Yanneck of Blaviken, fisherman
Earth Elemental
"How to survive an encounter with an earth elemental? Simple. Run. Fast as you can."
– Nino Murk, bounty hunter
"Out at sea, if you hear a beautiful woman singing, turn the ship around at once. You understand? Even if it means sailing straight back into a storm."
– Arike of Hindarsfjall, advice given to his son before his first solo voyage
"Bah, ain't nothing to fear. Ekimmaras, why, they ain't nothing more than overgrown bats."
– Anonymous city guardsman's last words
Endrega Drone
"Lazy, good-for-nothing men are sometimes called drones. That's an insult to endrega drones, who at least get off their arses to fight."
– Evelynn Harker, herbalist
Endrega Warrior
"Scared of these endregas, are you? Just wait till you see the warriors."
– Klaus Altman, forester
Endrega Drone
"Lazy, good-for-nothing men are sometimes called drones. That's an insult to endrega drones, who at least get off their arses to fight."
– Evelynn Harker, herbalist
"A merchant once told me I reminded him of an erynia. Naturally, I immediately teleported him to one of their nests, so he could see for himself how ill-fitting a comparison it was."
– Lytta Neyd, the sorceress also known as Coral
"I regret to inform Your Grace that Your Grace's son fell while hunting a fiend. He died on the spot, along with his squire, his guide, the beaters, his peasant entourage and his hounds"
– Kavin Jell, manager of the Villepin Estate near Vizima
Fire Elemental
"The first fire elemental was created by Ransant Alvaro. Sadly, flames engulfed his entire laboratory, burning it – along with every other building on his block – to ash."
– Tarvix Sandoval, "Origins of Magic Arcana"
"If night ever catches you in the swamps, stay put and wait for dawn, even if it means standing waist-deep in water with leeches crawling down your trousers. Most important of all, if you see a light in the fog, never, and I mean never, go towards it."
– Johannes Strudd, guide
"Forktails... Bah! *****ers' tails're more like cleavers."
– Yavinn Buck, veteran of the Mahakaman Volunteer Regiment
"The devil Fugas held a very prestigious and responsible position during the Crones' sabbath."
"Ghouls creep and crawl at night
Eating everything in sight
In a snap they'd eat you, too
Chop you up for a ghoulish stew!"
– Children's rhyme
"Not too long ago the areas around peasant hamlets were chock full of guardian spirits. Today it's nigh impossible to spot a brownie, bucca or lutin. And godlings, they are always the first to go. Such is the price we pay for civilization's forward march."
– From the preface to "The World We Have Lost," by Professor Dorregaray.
"If want us to break through this wall, we're gonna need twenty sappers, seven mules and a hundredweight of saltpeter. Or one golem."
– Vilmir Brass, foreman at Mount Carbon
Grave Hag
"Cremation, now that's one thing men could learn from gnomes. Burying bodies out in the fields, why, it's like laying out a welcome mat for monsters! Best case scenario, some ghouls will sniff them out, eat their fill and be on their ghoulish way. But if, gods forbid, a grave hag takes to feeding at your cemetery, you'll have no end of trouble."
–Jacques de Villepin, Oxenfurt Academy
"Ghouls creep and crawl at night
Eating everything in sight
In a snap they'd eat you, too
Chop you up for a ghoulish stew!"
– Children's rhyme
"Aye, half-eagle, half-tomcat, just like on the lord's crest. 'Cept this 'un was carryin' me dead cow 'stead of a scepter."
– Griffin attack witness, name unknown
"Most monsters don't actually keep any treasure in their lairs. Harpies, though - they like shiny things."
– Letho, Viper School witcher
"It attacked us... Gods, I dunno what it were, but 'twere at least four spans high!"
– Velen peasant woman
Higher Vampire
"Men, the polite ones, at least, would call me a monster. A blood-drinking freak."
–Emiel Regis, higher vampire.
Hound of the Wild Hunt
"Baying at the heels of the Wild hunt are its Hounds, fierce beasts which follow it like dust clouds trailing after a comet. Hushed legends speak of them losing their way at times and descending from the night sky to earth, cold and death following in their wake."
– Essi "Blackjack" Daven, trobairitz
"An aggressive chort known as Howler went on just such a fratricidal rampage, tearing a pack of wolves to shreds before attacking and killing a fiend significantly larger than itself."
Ice Elemental
"I thought to myself - what's a hunk of ice doing in the middle of some lab? And then that hunk of ice got up and broke my legs."
– Yannick Lovt, burglar
Ice Giant
"Fled one time in my life. From the Ice Giant. And know what? I'm not a bit ashamed."
— Rasmund Kvaalkje, Clan Torrdarroch oarsman
Ice Troll
"Our winter's cold and deep, frostbite eats your feet, snow falls down and hides the ground and ice trolls wake from sleep!"
— folk song heard in northern Kaedwen
"The first fire elemental was created by Ransant Alvaro. Sadly, flames engulfed his entire laboratory, burning it – along with every other building on his block – to ash."
— folk song heard in northern Kaedwen
Ignis Fatuus
"Careful sir, a monster prowls the bog. Enter the mist and ye'll never see home again!"
--Leslaw, peat digger
"Really wanna see an angry witcher? Do you?"
— Conversation overheard on the streets of Novigrad
"Melitele, Great Mother, protect us from evil, from unclean devils and foul demons, and most of all from the clutches of katakans and nekurats..."
— fragment of a prayer
"Out at sea, if you hear a beautiful woman singing, turn the ship around at once. You understand? Even if it means sailing straight back into a storm."
— Arike of Hindarsfjall, advice given to his son before his first solo voyage
"We never hunt in these woods. Never. Even if it means the whole village starves."
— Mulliver, ealdorman of Hoshberg in lower Aedirn
"... I saw a shadow... Great wings, like a cloud passin' o'er the sky. Then I heard him scream."
— Britt of Svorlag
"Somebody's been doing some cooking... This... it's a human femur... a child's."
— Geralt of Rivia
"When at the water's edge, you gotta be quiet. First of all, so as not to scare the fish. Second — so you don't attract drowners."
— Yanneck of Blaviken, fisherman
"Take heed, gents, there's nekkers under this here bridge. If you all cross at once, without slowing or stopping, there's nothing to fear. But if your cart throws an axle and you get stuck out there... Well, close your eyes and pray to Melitele."
— Kurt Hammerbach, city guardsman in Vengerberg
Nekker Warrior
"Take heed, gents, there's nekkers under this here bridge. If you all cross at once, without slowing or stopping, there's nothing to fear. But if your cart throws an axle and you get stuck out there... Well, close your eyes and pray to Melitele."
— Kurt Hammerbach, city guardsman in Vengerberg
"Nightwraiths exude this immense sadness, this helpless wrath... I fear them, same as anyone. But most of all I feel sorry for them."
— Aelline Altsparr, elven trobairitz.
"Despite what is commonly thought, peasants do not interrupt their labors at midday to get out of the sun — they do it to avoid noonwraiths."
— Vlad Reymond, Peasants and Their Customs
"Killers of various stripes - mercenaries, knights errant, ambitious lawmen - try at times to compete with witchers as monster slayers."
— ??
"I run back inside, hasp the doors, and then I hear it"
— someone whispering my name. Mikkjaaal, Mikkjaaal! Mikkjal, Eldberg lighthouse keeper
"Patients seem to have hallucinations of a woman covered in scabs and boils, with rats scurrying about all around her. These ravings subsided after an administration of henbane and poppy extract."
— Joachim von Gratz's notes, Vilmerius Hospital in Novigrad
Plague Maiden
"Patients seem to have hallucinations of a woman covered in scabs and boils, with rats scurrying about all around her. These ravings subsided after an administration of henbane and poppy extract."
— Joachim von Gratz's notes, Vilmerius Hospital in Novigrad
Rock Troll
"Man most riddly talk. But no tricksy. Or troll boom man head."
— rock troll dwelling in a cave on Undvik
"Course it reeks. Think they're called rotfiend because they smell like roses?"
— Vesemir, witcher of the Wolf School
Royal Griffin
"Aye, half-eagle, half tomcat, just like on the lord's crest. 'Cept this 'un was carryin' me dead cow 'stead of a scepter."
— Griffin attack witness, name unknown
Royal Wyvern
"A hunter who knows his prey's habits and behavior will rarely return from his hunt empty-handed."
""Unlike other monsters, succubi and menads feel no desire to kill, do not crave human blood and usually do not, in fact, mean any harm at all."
"Heard you have a problem - a monster you call a shrieker? Aye, prowls about, it does. Snatches cows and goats, mostly, but it won't scorn a man if it runs into one."
— Conversation overhead at Crow's Perch
"Out at sea, if you hear a beautiful woman singing, turn the ship around at once. You understand? Even if it means sailing straight back into a storm."
— Arike of Hindarsfjall, advice given to his son before his first solo voyage
"Unlike other monsters, succubi and menads feel no desire to kill, do not crave human blood and usually do not, in fact, mean any harm at all."
— ??
"Sylvans are cruel, greedy, and treacherous. Still, I prefer them to dh'oine."
— Yaevinn, legendary Scoia'tael commander.
"How about this... we take a big stake, sharpen its tip, jam it in the cyclops' eye — then sneak out of the cave disguised as sheep. How's that not a good idea?"
— Odess Thaka, traveler. Died tragically on Spikeroog
""If night ever catches you in the swamps, stay put and wait for dawn, even if it means standing waist-deep in water with leeches crawling down your trousers. Most important of all, if you see a light in the fog, never, and I mean never, go towards it."
— Johannes Strudd, guide
"I do not believe in ghosts - it is that simple. But my men say the house shakes at night, walls crumble, why, even the floors move about..."
— Kurt Dysart, Count of Anchor
The Apiarian Phantom
"Somethings's destroyed our fields and hives. We think it's the apiarian phantom."
— Holofernes Meiersdorf
"Ulfhedinn? What's that, some kind of fish?"
— Professor Artibus Joannes Rack, geographer, disappeared during a surveying expedition in Skellige
"When at the water's edge, you gotta be quiet. First of all, so as not to scare the fish. Second — so you don't attract drowners."
— Yanneck of Blaviken, fisherman
"Friend of mine used to say that with all these griffins and basilisks and whatnot, good old fashioned wolves weren't nothing to worry about... Then the damned beasts devoured half his flock."
— Yngvar, shepherd
Water Hag
"Folk say water hags are drowners' wives. If that be true, "tain't no wonder why they're such ernery *****es."
— Shemhel of Dregsdon
"Wolves aren't as bad as they're made out to be. Werewolves, though — they're every bit as bad and worse"
— Elsa Vilge, archer
White Wolf
"Friend of mine used to say that with all these griffins and basilisks and whatnot, good old fashioned wolves weren't nothing to worry about... Then the *****ed beasts devoured half his flock."
— Yngvar, shepherd
Wild Dog
"They say a dog's a man's best friend... But in these foul times one best be wary, even of his friends."
— Alfred Pankratz, beggar from Novigrad
"Friend of mine used to say that with all these griffins and basilisks and whatnot, good old fashioned wolves weren't nothing to worry about... Then the *****ed beasts devoured half his flock."
— Yngvar, shepherd
"Finish all your business before you die. Bid your loved ones farewell. Write your will. Apologize to those you've wronged. Otherwise, you'll never truly leave this world."
— Paule Vikar, peasant healer, advice to a dying man
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
Wild Boar
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
The Toad Prince
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
Slyzard Matriarch
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
"Shun sin! Renounce foul deeds! And if evil threatens to overwhelm your will, ponder the fate of the Outskirts of Vizima! Remember the hideous barghests which scourged them and repent!"
—"Sermons for Feasts and Funerals," by the Reverend Yomen of Tretogor
"If you must travel through the woods, steer clear of any places where you can hear several different kinds of birds at once. That sound means you're entering a bruxa's territory and can kiss your life farewell."
— anonymous piece of advice
Detlaff Van Der Eretein
"It was horrifying to watch... that gentleman suddenly turned into a ghastly beast, with claws, and.... tore those men to shreds with the precision ofa master butcher...."
— a witness to Dettlaff's attacks.
"The human mind is a wild and unexplored a place as any land far beyond the seas. It is inhabited by manifold dangers - fears, painful memories, traumas. These lurk on the edge of our conciousness, like predators waiting for a moment of weakness in which to reveal themselves... and destroy us."
— Arturius Vigo, "The Essence of Spells and Illusions
"Most dangerous of all are the royal wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the arse."
—Albino Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at Aretuza
"The deceased's corpse was completely mutilated. All that remained of the nose was a hole clotted with blood. One eye socket had been torn off. Seeing this, Sergeant Dovate vomited profusely and the administration of smelling salts was required. The investigation has been discontinued and the deed attributed to a supernatural being."
— fragment of a Toussaint Ducal Guard report
Giant Centipede
"Among the fascinating flora and fauna of the duchy of Toussaint, one also encounters creatures of the decidedly unpleasant sort, such as giant centipedes. Not only do these beasts look hideous to the eye, they can do colossal damage to the flesh as well. I decidedly advise against them."
— "A Visit to Toussaint," one of the many guides authored by Peterin Safles
"According to legend, Golyat had once been a knight who violated his vows, for which he was punished by the Lady of the Lake."
— Milton de Peyrac Peyran, Palmerin de Launfal and Guillaume de Launfal
"We told the prick something lurked in them woods, but he refused to believe it.."
—Louis Closster, woodcutter
"The earth's innards are home to mighty strange and fearsome beasts. Were they ever to decide to ramble up to the surface, we'd all be gutted the very first day o' the invasion."
—Ramus Vendenratz, Mahakam foreman.
Witcher 3 Enemies Table
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Haha xd