Locations in the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt feature an open and dynamic world, with areas to explore at will. The world is divided up into different regions which each have their own sets of locations within them. Once each location is explored or unlocked through natural progression, they can then be traveled to by fast travel. Areas within each region can be reached by foot or via Roach on horseback. It is estimated to take nearly 10 minutes in real time to ride across the entire map on horseback. Below is the list of known areas in the base game. See Blood and Wine Locations for locations added with the Blood and Wine expansion.
Regions in Witcher 3
The Witcher 3 is divided into these large regions which are then broken up into different sub-regions and locations. These different locations can have various buildings, NPCs, and other points of interest that could provide services, quests, skills, rewards, and loot.
Witcher 3 Location Map
The World Map in Witcher 3 is comprised of a number of sectioned regions that will each have their own map. Players may reference the map when searching for points of interest or service locations in the area.
Horseriding Witcher 3
One of the main means of cross-region traveling is on horseback with Roach. He will be able to quickly cover large terrains while avoiding hostile encounters and small obstacles. Roach cannot be lost while traveling on foot. Even while Geralt travels on his own, Roach can be accessed at almost any location by calling him. Any other wild horse encountered in the overworld can also be mounted. On horseback, players will have different speed options allowing him to Canter or Gallop. These quicker speeds can be upkept for a period of time, but may drain your horse stamina, forcing him to eventually slow down.
Fast Travel Witcher 3
Fast Travel is new a feature in the Witcher 3 that requires players to reach a signpost to be able to fast travel to other Signpost Locations. Witcher 3 is the first title in the series to allow fast traveling. In this game, Fast-travel Signposts are spread out in each region are usually found around the outskirts of each notable area. Interact with these signposts to access the world map which will then display all previously discovered regions and their signposts and which Locations are currently accessible to fast travel to. This will allow you to travel to other discovered signposts. These signposts are also indicated on the map with a signpost icon.
Fast traveling is not limited to the sign post locations when they are not in range such as on open water. If traveling on open water, playesr can then open their map and choose an unlocked harbour to travel to.
Traveling in the Witcher 3
In Witcher 3, players will start their journey on foot and are introduced to Roach, your horse, after the early introductions of the game. Most of traveling within smaller villages or communities will be explored on foot in order to reach indoor spots and areas and avoid running into other characters or obstacles.
- Horseback
Long distance traveling can be covered on horseback with Roach, who can quickly cover large distances with two different speeds and hop over smaller obstacles such as fences, which is best when traveling town to town or when trying to avoid unnecessary combat encounters in hostile territory.
- On Water
On water, Geralt is also able to swim and dive to cross smaller bodies of water or to obtain items underwater. The time underwater is limited and can be measured by the Breath bar that pops up as soon as you dive. A low breath bar will force Geralt to surface. Remaining underwater will result eventually result in death. If you find a boat, Geralt may also hop on and take the Helm by interacting with it to take control of the boat and travel across water
All Locations in Witcher 3
White Orchard
- Aeramas' Abandoned Manor
- Alness
- Arette
- Arnskrone Castle Ruins
- Bloodrot Pit
- Bowdon
- Brunwich
- Buckholt Hills
- Carsten
- Cavern
- Crane Cape
- Crossroads
- Dancing Windmill
- Draken Hollow Outpost
- Erde
- Est Tayiar
- Fallen Knights' fisstech lab
- Garin Estate
- Gustfields Farm
- Heddel
- Herbalist's Hut
- Honeyfill Meadworks
- Hunter's Cottage
- Isolated Hut
- Kilkerinn Ruins
- Martin Feuille's Farmstead
- Master Topical's hut
- Mohrin Village
- Moldavie Residence
- Old Chapel
- Sarrasin Grange
- Seven Cats Inn
- Temerian Partisan Hideout
- Upper Mill
- Vegelbud Residence
- Von Everec Estate
- Wheat Fields
- Winespring Grange
- Yantra
- Zuetzer Castle
Novigrad City
- Electors' Square
- Gate of the Hierarch
- Glory Gate
- Hierarch Square
- Novigrad Docks
- Portside Gate
- Southern Gate
- St. Gregory's Bridge
- Tretogor Gate
- Gildorf district shop
- Books and Scrolls
- The Butcher's Yard theater
- Crippled Kate's
- Farcorners
- Fish Market
- Gildorf sewers
- Great Temple of the Eternal Fire
- Baroness la Valette's Villa
- Marabella's School for Tots
- Novigrad Morgue
- Novigrad sewers
- Rudolf de Jonkheer's house
- Passiflora
- Putrid Grove
- Rosemary and Thyme
- Sigismund's Bathhouse
- The Golden Sturgeon
- The Kingfisher Inn
- The Nowhere Inn
- Triss' house
- Var Attre Villa
- Vilmerius Hospital
- Witch Hunter Barracks Outpost
- Abandoned Sawmill
- Ancient Crypt
- Arinbjorn
- Blandare
- Boxholm
- Bridge to Kaer Trolde
- Crossroads
- Distillery
- Druids' Camp
- Eldberg Lighthouse
- Elverum Lighthouse
- Fayrlund
- Fort Etnir
- Fort Grymmdjarr
- Fyresdal
- Gedyneith
- Giants' Toes
- Grotto
- Grymmdjarr Monument
- Henge
- Holmstein's Port
- Kaer Dhu
- Kaer Gelen
- Kaer Muire
- Kaer Nyssen
- Kaer Trolde Harbor
- Kvalheim Isle
- Miners' Camp
- Palisade
- Rannvaig
- Redgill
- Rogne
- Ruined Inn
- Sawmill
- Sund
- Whale Graveyard
- Wild Shore
- Yustianna's Grotto
Nava Isle
Snidhall Isle
Tengelstrand Isle
Game Content Descriptions
Roam without borders!
Wide open roaming across regions is unspoiled by load times. Landscapes dotted with Points of Interest tempt players to venture off beaten paths in search of possible adventure. Players explore without interruption, encountering no barriers, choosing different means of travel to reach their destination. This whole new approach to exploration means players can vault over barriers, swim through rapids, ride a horse across the dangerous No Man’s Land, run through Novigrad’s narrow streets, or sail under a full moon amidst the Skellige Islands. The world provides an unprecedented feeling of open space and freedom, taking 40 minutes to traverse on horseback end to end. Players can stand atop a mountain, 1200 meters above sea level, breathless as they ponder the distant abyss and wind-swept isles, their look and feel rendered flawlessly. Along with this players will also be able to use the quick travel mechanic in order to move about in a quicker fashion after arriving at new destinations.
A world that lives with or without you
Player actions, whatever their apparent weight, elicit reactions. This principle extends to the new in game economic system, with the price of goods varying based on the surrounding conditions or their place of origin versus Geralt’s current whereabouts in the world: the price of fish will differ depending on the distance from water, a village of trappers and hunters will have many tanneries and leather workers, affecting the price of crafting components and armor.
Left to itself, the world continues living:
- Predators hunt their prey, villages defend themselves against monsters, lovers meet by moonlight.
- Communities react to temperature changes and other phenomena, seeking shelter when it rains or warmth when the temperature drops; they migrate to fulfill their needs or flee threats, while merchant caravans fill the roads and fishermen sail in search of the best catch.
- REDengine 3 incorporates location ambience and expanded dynamic lighting, which enables a realistic, highly-detailed day and night cycles as well as diverse weather conditions - players can observe an approaching storm before experiencing its might as they navigate a rough stretch of sea.
A continent to Discover
The world of The Witcher 3 is vast and continuous, yet diverse, with each of its lands distinguishable by a unique feel inspired by different sources and cultural references:
- The Northern Kingdoms is the name given to the accumulation of all the monarchies situated to the North of the Amell Mountains. The citizens of those monarchies are in turn referred to as Nordlings (primarily by citizens of the Nilfgaardian Empire). Apart from the human populations the land is home to a grand population of Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings
- No Man’s Land: a sparsely populated, war-ravaged territory, based on Slavic mythology. Murky swamps and dark primeval forests cover this land, where monsters lurk behind every tree and no one can be sure whether they will see another sunrise. Its fields stripped bare by passing armies, No Man’s Land is a place of anarchy, where might makes right and gold buys life.
- Skellige: a wind-swept and rugged archipelago, based on Nordic and Celtic legends and sagas. In these isles, inhabited by proud and noble people, warriors seek fame by facing legendary monsters, druids guard nature’s secrets, and bards sing of heroes past in torch-lit halls. Stubbornly independent, the Skelligers are rig their longboats and sharpen their spears, ready to lay down their lives defending against the inevitable Nilfgaard invasion.
- Novigradand its surroundings: a port city inspired by medieval Amsterdam. In this grand city, as rich and colorful as it is corrupt, players witness the persecution of mages by an all-powerful cult, while at the same time dealing with underworld figures poised to profit from the ongoing world war.
- Kaer Trolde is a fortress located on the largest landmass amidst the Skellige Archipelago, the Island of Ard Skellig.
- Skellige - also referred to as The Skellige Islands - is one of the Northern Kingdoms and consists of the six islands located amidst the waters of the Archipelago. The kingdom is situated in the Northern Sea, off the coasts of Cidaris and Verden.
- Kaer Morhen is the ancient keep where Witchers used to be trained. It's name is an altered version of the Ancient Tongue term "Caer a'Muirehen" which translates to "Old Sea Keep".
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