Decoctions in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt refer to special alchemical substances that Geralt can imbibe to gain various temporary buffs, much like Potions. However, unlike Potions which have short durations and effects that are geared more towards moment-to-moment problem solving, Decoctions take on a more preparatory role with significantly longer durations, single charges and substantial effects that generally place a bigger emphasis on synergy with the player's build and playstyle. Decoctions can be crafted through Alchemy just like Potions, with the main difference being the various Mutagens collected from Monsters used as key ingredients. Decoction usage and effects are heavily tied to the Alchemy Skill line. Decoctions also have adverse effects on Geralt's blood Toxicity, requiring proper management especially when combined with Potion use.
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The Witcher 3 Decoctions Overview
Decoction Crafting
Decoctions are new alchemical compounds introduced in The Witcher 3, meant to supplement the Potions that Witchers are known to have profound mastery over, having honed their craft through years and years of experience, and the study of Alchemy, as well as subjecting themselves to various toxins and chemical compounds to better understand their properties. Just as with Potions, Decoctions can be crafted using various Alchemy Ingredients found throughout the environment, obtained from opponents or purchased from Alchemists and Herbalists in cities, villages and other settlements. Unlike Potions, however, the Decoction brewing process requires Mutagens as key ingredients. Mutagens are genetic material that can be obtained by killing Monsters. Each Decoction requires a specific Mutagen which drops from a specific Monster.
In order to craft a Decoction, you must first learn its Formula by finding and reading Torn-Out Pages — Similar to Potion Manuscripts, these are crafting instructions akin to Weapon and Armor Diagrams and each one is specific to every single Decoction. Many of these pages m.jvd dsss can be found randomly in chests and guarded treasure throughout the world, while some can be purchased from Alchemists and Herbalists. Few even have fixed locations or specific points in the game where they can be obtained.
Unlike Potions, Decoctions do not have upgraded versions. However, their effects are substantial enough and specific enough to certain situations that upgraded versions are not warranted.
Decoction Usage & Replenishment
Once crafted, Decoctions can be used from the Inventory even while in the middle of combat. Additionally, up to four Decoctions can be assigned to your Consumables Quickslots for easy usage without going into the inventory. However, Decoctions have such long durations that it is usually better to save your Quickslots for Potions and use Decoctions prior to a fight as part of your preparation.
Each Decoction has one Charge only and needs to be refilled if you want to use the Decoction again. You do not need to craft Decoctions over and over. Instead, charges can be replenished by Meditating for at least One Hour while you have some Strong Alcohol in your inventory. Strong Alcohol refers to high concentration alcoholic spirits that can be used for alchemical purposes. The following items qualify for this purpose:
Note that you only need 1 unit of any of the above to refill all of your Decoction charges via Meditation. This will also refill all of your Potions and Bombs. These alcoholic beverages can commonly be found throughout the world and they can also be purchased from Merchants. Some can even be crafted through Alchemy using other components. Dwarven Spirit in particular is quite abundant so you should rarely be found wanting for these.
The Cockatrice Decoction, when imbibed, grants an additional use of all Potions, Decoctions and Bombs. This bonus charge/dose is available until the Decoction's effect wears off or is removed manually via Meditation or imbibing a White Honey Potion and its variants.
It should be noted that despite its name, the White Raffard's Decoction and its Enhanced and Superior variants are not Decoctions but are in fact Potions. The name is simply a carry-over from previous games where the item existed but Decoctions, as a feature and mechanic, did not.
Potions, Decoctions & Toxicity Level
One of the many mutations that Witchers develop is a superhuman resistance to poisons. This does not make them immune to harmful substances, but they have a massive advantage in this regard, allowing them to imbibe alchemical substances such as Potions, made of the harshest ingredients that would otherwise kill a regular human. Geralt has a Maximum Toxicity stat — A measure of his ability to resist the toxic effects of Potions and Decoctions. In order to understand Toxicity's relation to Decoctions, first understand its mechanics pertaining to Potions:
The Toxicity stat is represented by a green bar under your Stamina bar and can also be seen in the Character Menu. Each Potion has a set amount of Toxicity which fills this bar every time you take a dose. This can be referred to as Potion Toxicity. Potion Toxicity depletes overtime at a rate of about 1 point every 2 seconds. The Toxicity mechanic essentially prevents you from abusing potions as you cannot imbibe another one if it would cause you to go over your max limit. However, there is also an Overdose Effect that comes into play. By default, going over 75% of your Max Toxicity will cause you to start losing health at a significant rate per second, persisting until you dip below the threshold. This threshold can be raised by investing in the Heightened Tolerance skill of the Alchemy skill line. Each point in the skill raises your Overdose threshold by 5%, up to a max of 25%, which effectively eliminates the health loss issue.
Aside from the health loss over time, the Overdose status also has adverse effects on Geralt's appearance, causing dark circles to form around his eyes, with dark veins appearing all across his face and his scars taking on a more reddish appearance, as if they had opened back up. This is accompanied by a misty green effect around the borders of the screen, beginning once you hit 50% of your Overdose Threshold and becoming more pronounced as your Toxicity rises. These effects also appear even with max levels in Heightened Tolerance, but it is purely cosmetic.
By default, you have 100 points of max Toxicity but there are several ways to raise this maximum. Metabolic Control in the General Skill line gives a straightforward bonus of +30 Max Toxicity. The Acquired Tolerance skill in the Alchemy Skill line raises your Max Toxicity by 1 for every Alchemy Formula you have learned. This skill has 3 ranks, with each rank taking into account each respective tier of formulas learned. At Rank 1, it only considers all Level 1 (Base) alchemy formulas while at Rank 2, it extends the consideration to Level 2 (Enhanced) formulas and so on. This skill works retroactively, meaning you do not need to acquire it before starting to collect formulas as it will add to the bonus any formulas you've already learned prior to obtaining any level of the skill. The Armor pieces of the Manticore School of Witcher Gear added with the Blood and Wine DLC each also grant a small bonus to your maximum Toxicity when worn, with the Legendary New Game+ version adding even more.
Decoctions also affect Geralt's Toxicity level, albeit in a different way. Each Decoction has a Toxicity rating of 50 points, the sole exception being the Basilisk Decoction with 40 points. It also appears as a darker green on the Toxicity bar. However, Decoctions have a much longer duration and Decoction Toxicity (an important distinction from Potion Toxicity) does not dissipate over time, only being cleared once the Decoction's effects wear off or when the effects are manually removed via Meditation or by imbibing the White Honey potion and its variants. Decoction usage essentially "holds" a sizeable chunk of your Toxicity bar, severely limiting the amount of Potions you can imbibe. Raising your max Toxicity can alleviate this limitation and it is entirely possible to have a high enough max Toxicity to imbibe 2 or even 3 Decoctions at once while still being able to use Potions. Do note that Decoction Toxicity moves the baseline for your Potion Toxicity with regards to the Overdose Threshold because Decoction Toxicity is not considered in the calculation for the threshold. Maxing out Heightened Tolerance makes this quirk irrelevant. Further still, for players who invest in the Delayed Recovery skill, keep in mind that its effects rely on Potion Toxicity, not Decoction Toxicity.
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All Decoctions in The Witcher 3
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Crafting Manuscripts for Decoctions are typically found as randomized loot in guarded treasure chests. However, some are also sold by certain Merchants. Duplicates of Manuscripts are not possible, so once a Manuscript is obtained from a chest, it will disappear from merchant stocks and vice versa. Some Decoction formulae can also be learned by reading certain books.
Name | Effects | Charges | Effect Duration | Toxicity Points | Crafted With | Manuscript Source |
Adrenaline Points are generated more quickly than normal until the first successful enemy attack. 50% Adrenaline Point gain |
1 | 1,800 secs | 50 |
The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book Ghouls and Alghouls which is stocked by Marcus at Books and Scrolls in Novigrad's Hierarch Square. The manuscript can also be found randomly. |
Each Sign cast increases Stamina regeneration for the remainder of the fight. +2 Stamina regeneration in combat. | 1 | 1,800 secs | 50 |
Reduces damage received based on armor and inventory weight: less weight carried and lighter armor means less damage is taken. | 1 | 1,800 secs | 50 |
If any Stamina is available, strong attacks consume all of it and reduce the struck foe's Vitality by 5% after their normal damage is calculated. | 1 | 1,800 secs | 50 |
Applies a buff increasing the intensity of a randomly selected Sign at dusk and dawn. Lasts longer than other mutagen decoctions. | 1 | 5,760 | 40 | The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book A Few Remarks on Basilisks and Cockatrices which is stocked by Marcus at Books and Scrolls in Novigrad's Hierarch Square. The manuscript can also be found randomly. |
Provides complete resistance to the Stagger effect and reduces the Knock-down effects to Stagger. | 1 | 1,800 secs | 50 |
All alchemy creations can be used one additional time. | 1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book A Few Remarks on Basilisks and Cockatrices which is stocked by Marcus at Books and Scrolls in Novigrad's Hierarch Square. The manuscript can also be found randomly. |
Increases critical hit damage when attacking from behind. 50% Increased damage |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book The Bear Legend. There is a copy of this book in the Elven Mage's Laboratory during the quest Wandering in the Dark. The manuscript can also be obtained randomly. |
Increases the witcher's resistance to Vitality-depleting critical effects applied during combat. The resistance level rises the longer the critical effects is applied. | 1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The Crafting Manuscript for this Decoction is potentially stocked by the Herbalist by the roadside shrine in White Orchard. It can also be obtained randomly. |
Performing actions that consume Stamina regenerates Vitality. | 1 | 1,800 | 50 |
Damage dealt to foes regenerates Vitality. 10% Vitality drain |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book My Evening with a Vampire. Copies can be found in the Crones' House at The Orphans of Crookback Bog as well as Triss Merigold's house in Novigrad. The manuscript can also be obtained randomly. |
Increases the amount of weight the witcher can carry without being overburdened. 20 Maximum carry weight |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The Crafting Manuscript for this Decoction is potentially stocked by the Herbalist by the roadside shrine in White Orchard. It can also be obtained randomly. |
Increases Sign Intensity during cloudy weather. 25% Sign intensity |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
Combining various attacks (strong strikes, fast strikes, Signs) grants a bonus that increases Attack Power for the next attack mounted or Sign Intensity for the next Sign cast. 50% Attack power 50% Sign intensity |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
Each foe slain accelerates Vitality regeneration for the duration of the battle. 10 Vitality regeneration during combat |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The Crafting Manuscript for this Decoction is potentially stocked by the Herbalist by the roadside shrine in White Orchard and the Herbalist in the liberated camp west of Lurtch in Velen. It can also be obtained randomly. |
Taking damage raises damage resistance (up to an upper limit) for the remainder of the fight. 1% Resistance to slashing damage 1% Resistance to piercing damage 1% Resistance to bludgeoning damage 1% Resistance to damage from monsters 1% Resistance to elemental damage |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The Crafting Manuscript for this Decoction is potentially stocked by Bram who sets up shop next to the White Orchard Inn after being rescued early in the game or Tomira, the Herbalist met during The Beast of White Orchard. It can also be obtained randomly. |
Increases critical hit chance. 10% Critical hit chance |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
A portion of the damage dealt by enemies is reflected back on the attacker. 10% Damage returned |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
Mounts never panic. 50% increase to mounted combat damage. 50% Attack power |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book The World Underground which can be purchased from a Herbalist at Hierarch Square in Novigrad. The manuscript can also be obtained randomly. |
Geralt's maximum Vitality is increased with each foe killed. This increase lasts until he meditates or fast travels. 50 Vitality |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book Of Sweat and Blood which is awarded by Tomira if Geralt helps Lena during On Death's Bed, a sub mission of The Beast of White Orchard. The manuscript can also be purchased from the Herbalist by the roadside shrine in White Orchard or obtained randomly. |
Significantly limits the duration of Knockdown, Hypnosis, Stun and Blindness. | 1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book Of Sweat and Blood which is awarded by Tomira if Geralt helps Lena during On Death's Bed, a sub mission of The Beast of White Orchard. The manuscript can also be purchased from the Herbalist by the roadside shrine in White Orchard or obtained randomly. |
Increases damage dealt and decreases damage taken against wraiths. Attacking a specter prevents it from using its abilities and turning immaterial. +10% Attack power versus Specters +15% Resistance to slashing damage +15% Resistance to piercing damage +15% Resistance to bludgeoning damage +15% Resistance to damage from monsters +15% Resistance to elemental damage |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
Attack Power grows over the course of a fight until reaching a maximum threshold. 1% Attack power |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
Regenerates Vitality during and outside of combat. 100 Vitality regeneration 20 Vitality regeneration during combat |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The Crafting Manuscript for this Decoction is potentially stocked by Tomira in White Orchard. It can also be obtained randomly. |
Damage dealt is increased when Vitality is at its maximum. 50% Increased damage |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The Crafting Manuscript for this Decoction is potentially stocked by the Herbalist by the roadside shrine in White Orchard and the Herbalist in the liberated camp west of Lurtch in Velen. It can also be obtained randomly. |
Significantly increases Stamina regeneration during a clear, moonlit night. | 1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The formula for this Decoction can be learned by reading the book In Beast's Clothing which is awarded by letting Morkvarg live during In Wolf's Clothing. The manuscript can also be obtained randomly. |
Whenever a single hit drains more than a third of Vitality, a Quen shield is activated which protects against the next attack. | 1 | 1,800 | 50 |
The Crafting Manuscript for this Decoction is potentially stocked by the Herbalist by the roadside shrine in White Orchard and the Herbalist in the liberated camp west of Lurtch in Velen. It can also be obtained randomly. |
Each blow landed increases Attack Power until either the fight ends or damage (other than that from Toxicity) is taken. 1% Attack power |
1 | 1,800 | 50 |
- Anonymous
Utter bull***** about them being needed to be crafted anew. They just got one charge and are refilled as normal potions are (via Alcahest from your inventory when you medidate.)
Basilisk Decoction toxicity is actually 40