Tretogor Gate |
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Gate erected with funds from the Redanian royal famil who, wanting to earn favor with Novigrad merchantsvincllh,G Farch, dedicated a significant amount of coin to its construction, as well as some no-less-valuable (wo)manpower in the form of the master architect Countess Anna Yaye-Pinkovitz and her skilled crew. |
Tretogor Gate is a Location in The Witcher 3. The Tretogor Gate is found in Novigrad Located southwest of the Southern Gate and southeast of Hierarch Square in Novigrad. Locations are frequently risky and rewarding, or they could provide a safe sanctuary for a traveling Witcher.
All NPCs and Merchants in Tretogor Gate
- There are no NPCs in this location.
Related Quests in Tretogor Gate
- There are no Quests in this location.
All Items in Witcher 3's Tretogor Gate
Consumable Items
- There are no Consumables in this location.
Quest and Key Items
- There are no Quest items in this location.
- There are no Equipment items in this location.
Materials and Crafting Components
- There are no Crafting items in this location.
Witcher 3 Tretogor Gate Creatures, Enemies, and Bosses
Regular Creatures and Enemies
- There are no enemies in this location.
- There are no Bosses in this location.
Witcher 3 Tretogor Gate Other Notes and Tips
- Other notes for Tretogor Gate go here.
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