Ergot seeds is an ingredient in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Ergot seeds Information
- Required Craftman Level: ??
- Item Tier: Common Item
- Obtained: ??
Used in
- Deconstruct for ??
- Associated Quest ??
- Can be bought by: Tomira in White Orchard.
Herbs |
Allspice ♦ Arenaria ♦ Balisse fruit ♦ Beggartick blossoms ♦ Berbercane Fruit ♦ Bison grass ♦ Bloodmoss ♦ Blowball ♦ Bryonia ♦ Buckthorn ♦ Celandine ♦ Cortinarius ♦ Crow's eye ♦ Fool's parsley leaves ♦ Ginatia petals ♦ Longrube ♦ Mandrake root ♦ Mistletoe ♦ Moleyarrow ♦ Nostrix ♦ Pringrape ♦ Puffball ♦ Ranogrin ♦ Ribleaf ♦ Verbena ♦ White myrtle petals ♦ Wolfsbane |
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