Crow’s Eye is an ingredient in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Crow’s Eye Information
- Required Craftman Level: ??
- Item Tier: Common Item
- Obtained: White Orchard, Novigrad, Skellige, Kaer Morhen – Open fields
Needed to Craft
Items which Require Crow's Eye | Number of Crow's Eye Required |
Enhanced Full Moon | 2 |
Superior Full Moon | 4 |
Enhanced Maribor Forest | 1 |
Superior Maribor Forest | 4 |
Superior Swallow | 4 |
Cockatrice Decoction | 1 |
Troll Decoction | 1 |
Enhanced Grapeshot | 1 |
4x Albedo | 4 |
6x Nigredo | 6 |
3x Rubedo | 3 |
Chort Lure (Needed for Quest) | 2 |
In order to complete every Quest and craft every Potion, Oil, Decoction, and Bomb in the game, Geralt must collect a total of 33 Crow's Eye.
- Additional info: Can also be found above the cave south of Lindenvale, Velen.
Herbs |
Allspice ♦ Arenaria ♦ Balisse fruit ♦ Beggartick blossoms ♦ Berbercane Fruit ♦ Bison grass ♦ Bloodmoss ♦ Blowball ♦ Bryonia ♦ Buckthorn ♦ Celandine ♦ Cortinarius ♦ Ergot seeds ♦ Fool's parsley leaves ♦ Ginatia petals ♦ Longrube ♦ Mandrake root ♦ Mistletoe ♦ Moleyarrow ♦ Nostrix ♦ Pringrape ♦ Puffball ♦ Ranogrin ♦ Ribleaf ♦ Verbena ♦ White myrtle petals ♦ Wolfsbane |
- Anonymous
Found it in skellige, the town is called rannvaig talk to the lady selling herbs jonna
- Anonymous
The Crow's Eye is needed in the Mysterious Tracks Witcher Contract.
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There's a ton of it you can gather right outside the cave for the Mysterious Tracks quest