
silver crafting components witcher 3 wiki guide
Item Type Crafting Component
Rarity Master Item
Weight weight
Purchase Price 18 - 22 crowns oren icon currency witcher 3 wiki guide
Sell Price 2 - 3 crowns oren icon currency witcher 3 wiki guide

Silver is an Crafting Component in The Witcher 3: Wild HuntCrafting Components are a category of Items used in the creation of Weapons, Armor and other equipment via Blacksmithing and Armorsmithing. Crafting Components can be acquired a multitude of ways including finding them as enemy drops, inside treasure chests or purchasing them from merchants and craftsmen. Many of these can be used on their own, but some are craftable items themselves, requiring the services of a craftsman of the appropriate skill level (Amateur, Journeyman or Master) to combine materials and create more advanced components used in higher level crafting.


Silver Description and Usage in The Witcher 3

Silver is used to craft the following items:


How to Obtain Silver in The Witcher 3

Silver can be acquired in various ways:



Geralt can use the services of a Blacksmith or Armorer to craft Silver using the following components:

  • N/A; Cannot be crafted



Silver can be looted from the following sources:

  • Obtained as a random loot.
  • Looted from dismantling Silver Ore.



Silver is potentially stocked by the following merchants:



Silver Dismantling Info in The Witcher 3

When dismantled by a Blacksmith or ArmorerSilver can produce the following items:

  • N/A; Cannot be dismantled



The Witcher 3 Silver Notes & Trivia

  • Additional Notes & Trivia for Silver go here.



All Crafting Components in The Witcher 3
Acid Extract  ♦  Amber  ♦  Amber Dust  ♦  Amber Fragment  ♦  Amethyst  ♦  Amethyst Dust  ♦  Azurite  ♦  Black Pearl  ♦  Black Pearl Dust  ♦  Chitinous Shell  ♦  Coal  ♦  Copper Ingot  ♦  Copper Ore  ♦  Copper Plate  ♦  Cotton  ♦  Cupronickel Ore  ♦  Cured Draconid Leather  ♦  Cured Leather  ♦  Dark Iron Ingot  ♦  Dark Iron Ore  ♦  Dark Iron Plate  ♦  Dark Steel Ingot  ♦  Dark Steel Plate  ♦  Diamond  ♦  Diamond Dust  ♦  Dimeritium Ingot  ♦  Dimeritium Ore  ♦  Dimeritium Plate  ♦  Dragon Scales  ♦  Dwarven Armorer's Tools  ♦  Dwarven Whetstone  ♦  Dye  ♦  Dye Solution  ♦  Elven Armorer's Tools  ♦  Elven Whetstone  ♦  Emerald  ♦  Emerald Dust  ♦  Endrega Armor Plates  ♦  Enriched Dimeritium Ingot  ♦  Enriched Dimeritium Ore  ♦  Enriched Dimeritium Plate  ♦  Feather  ♦  Fiber  ♦  Flawless Amber  ♦  Flawless Amethyst  ♦  Flawless Diamond  ♦  Flawless Emerald  ♦  Flawless Ruby  ♦  Flawless Sapphire  ♦  Fur Scrap  ♦  Glowing Ore  ♦  Glowing Ore Ingot  ♦  Gnomish Armorer's Tools  ♦  Gnomish Whetstone  ♦  Gold Nugget  ♦  Gold Ore  ♦  Green Gold  ♦  Green Gold Ingot  ♦  Green Gold Ore  ♦  Green Gold Plate  ♦  Hardened Leather  ♦  Hardened Timber  ♦  Hunk of Nickel  ♦  Infused Crystal  ♦  Infused Dust  ♦  Infused Shard  ♦  Infused Slyzard Hide  ♦  Iron Ingot  ♦  Iron Ore  ♦  Leather Scraps  ♦  Leather Straps  ♦  Lesser Glyph of Infusion  ♦  Lesser Runestone  ♦  Linen  ♦  Malachite  ♦  Meteorite Ingot  ♦  Meteorite Ore  ♦  Meteorite Silver Ingot  ♦  Meteorite Silver Plate  ♦  Monster Blood  ♦  Monster bone  ♦  Monster Brain  ♦  Monster Carapace  ♦  Monster Claw  ♦  Monster Ear  ♦  Monster Egg  ♦  Monster Essence  ♦  Monster Eye  ♦  Monster Feather  ♦  Monster Hair  ♦  Monster Heart  ♦  Monster Hide  ♦  Monster Liver  ♦  Monster Pincer  ♦  Monster Saliva  ♦  Monster Spore  ♦  Monster Stomach  ♦  Monster Tongue  ♦  Monster Tooth  ♦  Monster Vine  ♦  Monster Wing  ♦  Nickel Ore  ♦  Oil  ♦  Orichalcum  ♦  Orichalcum Ingot  ♦  Orichalcum Ore  ♦  Orichalcum Plate  ♦  Pearl  ♦  Powdered Monster Tissue  ♦  Powdered Pearl  ♦  Resin  ♦  Rope  ♦  Ruby  ♦  Ruby Dust  ♦  Sap  ♦  Sapphire  ♦  Sapphire Dust  ♦  Silk  ♦  Silver Ingot  ♦  Silver Ore  ♦  Silver Plate  ♦  Siren vocal cords  ♦  Steel Ingot  ♦  Steel Line  ♦  Steel Plates  ♦  String  ♦  Thread  ♦  Timber  ♦  Twine  ♦  Unrefined Copper Ore  ♦  Venom Extract  ♦  Wax  ♦  Wire  ♦  Zerrikanian Powder

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