Birna Bran

Location Skellige
Quests The King is Dead - Long Live the King

Birna Bran is a Character/NPC in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Birna Information

"It can be difficult for a woman to gain the esteem of knights and warriors not accustomed to seeing female hands on the reins of power. It helps little when. like Bima. widow of King Bran of Skellige. the woman seeking power is filled with acrid disdain for her countrymen and their customs. One might aruge that disdain is a valid reaction when. in the case of the passing of a man of power who embodies tradition, those customs call on her to follow long since outdated ritual and cast herself on her husband's funeral pyre.

Justified or not, Birna's desire to rewrite age-old Skellige traditions put her at odds with the jarls and made it unlikely she would be remembered alongside Calanthe of Cintra or Meve of Lyria as a successful and revered ruler."


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